The sun illuminates the valley and the village

How to get around in Val di Fiemme

Need to get around in Val di Fiemme? Here you will find all the information needed to solve this dilemma. Leave the car at the hotel and take advantage of the modern public transport system connecting all the towns in the valley. This will save you money and will help lessen road traffic and more importantly reduce pollution, protecting the delicate alpine environment.




  • Boschetto: tel. 333 4220000
  • Albators: tel. 0462 813544 / 330 400785

Castello di Fiemme

  • Casari Marco: tel. 0462 341561 / 328 1066424
  • Pier8 Taxi: tel. 335 6275878
  • AB di Anna Bonelli: tel. 346 7150097 / 377 5286668
  • A1 Autoservizi: tel. 393 5005555


  • Ferdy: tel. 0462 231311 / 380 7111559


  • Bellan: tel. 0462 50004 / 348 7084499 / 347 3108259


  • Giacomelli: tel. 0462 501927 / 335 206870 / 335 7584018
  • Boninsegna Marco: tel. 348 3501150


  • Nico Viaggi: tel. 338 2203490
  • Albatros: tel. 0462 813544 / 330 400785


  • Foradori: tel. 0462 910128

Ziano di Fiemme

  • Vanzo: tel. 340 2650303 / 347 793977
  • Taxi Cauriol: tel. 336 661652
  • Zampieri: tel. 0462 571398 / 347 8840816